Christmas Magic Lives!

Well…It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? No one can deny that 2020 was a tough one. In many ways, for many people, it was a life-changing year. In our home, we’ve lost several beloved pets this year, and many tears have been shed. But the human faction has held strong. We’re all healthy, and where sickness threatened, we came through with flying colors. The old adage is true. What doesn’t kill you will actually make you stronger. And, though sometimes it’s hard to see the good that comes from the pain, I have always believed that things happen for a reason. 

This is a magical time of year for me. It’s a time of family and love and celebration for our many blessings. It is made no less magical for the challenges we suffered as a family. In fact, I believe the magic was in the ability to move beyond it all and embrace our traditions to affirm the healing power of love.  Thank you all for hanging with me this year. Thanks for reading my books. I’m glad you’re in my posse.  I can’t promise I won’t occasionally be like crazy Aunt Ethel with a dog in her purse and false eyelashes floating in her soup, but I’m secure in the knowledge that YOU GET ME. (You poor sap!)  

Anyway… That’s a long way to go to tell you that I count you among my many blessings. As we finish out a truly challenging year together, I wanted to say, “May your day be rich in love and joy. And may the coming year embrace you in a happy cocoon.”  

Talk to you soon! xx Sam

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